Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the playing time, number of players, and the recommended age range?
A: Games range from 20 and 60 minutes depending on number of players and chosen difficulty level. Two to four people can play per game. Although anyone is welcome to play REACT!, the board game is designed for ages 15+.
Q: How much organic chemistry do I need to know before playing?
A: None! Our instructional manual explains a few foundational chemistry concepts that are helpful for gameplay, but no previous knowledge is required. Players can select game goals from a range of difficulty levels and try more difficult levels as they become more comfortable with organic chemistry.
Q: I am a representative from an organization or project looking to collaborate with REACT!. How can I contact the team?
A: Please direct all inquiries through our website’s contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Q: I want to purchase games, but I cannot access the number I want from the store. What should I do?
A: If your computer's font is too large, you may be unable to access some of the quantity options. If so, please zoom out. If you want to purchase more than 10 games, please send your request through our website's contact form.
Q: During my turn, can I draw two cards from the same deck?
A: No. To prevent overdrawing of similar cards (particularly Event cards), players may only draw a maximum of one card per deck.
Q: The box says there should be 213 cards, but I count 212. Am I missing a card?
A: 212 is correct number of cards; 213 is a typo. Fortunately, the gameplay quality will not be affected!
Q: How much organic chemistry does the game cover?
A: The game surveys the first semester of college-level organic chemistry with a focus on laboratory-based synthesis. It is not designed to replace a full semester of curriculum.
Q: What topics/concepts are not covered by the game?
A: To keep gameplay smooth, REACT! does not cover stereochemical notation (wedges/dashes), molecular orbitals, or pH in great detail.
Q: How can REACT! be used in the classroom?
A: Our game is a tool for interactive learning. It’s great for both introducing students to organic synthesis and helping them strengthen chemical thinking! A fair amount of our customers also reported purchasing the game as a study tool for the MCAT.